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029 – Assessing green technology indicators for cleaner production and sustainable investments in a developing country context

Muhammad Ikram; Marcos Ferasso; Robert Sroufe; Qingyu Zhang
Journal of Cleaner Production 322 (2021): 129090-129090

The United Nations proposed the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to foster sustainable development, including tackling environmental challenges and adopting cleaner production practices worldwide. Green technology is crucial for the implementation of the SDGs. Currently, there is an urgent need to form a long-term sustainable investment mechanism for screening, evaluation, and promotion of appropriate green technology. Therefore, this study develops an integrated green technology framework to fill a gap in the literature by prioritizing green technologies’ most critical attributes in Pakistan. Initially, we focus on eight leading green technology indicators: Environmental Quality, Resource Utilization, Agriculture & forestry, Green building, Energy utilization, Green Transport, Life Health, and Ecology Safety with the help of the fuzzy Delphi method.

Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (FAHP) is employed to find primary and sub-indicators relative importance. Results reveal that Energy Utilization and agriculture & forestry are significant indicators. Supply chain and sustainable food security, Energy Recycling and Eco-Farming obtained the highest weight scores and are seen as essential among 43 sub-criteria. This study is among the first to assess the green technology indicators for cleaner production and sustainable investment to achieve sustainable development. This study’s outcomes can help scholars, managers, government agencies, and decision-makers understand the importance of green technologies to achieve SDGs while simultaneously improving sustainability practices.

028 – Earnings management in hospitality firms: Evidence from Portugal

Tourism, 69(4), 578-594

027 – Competitiveness framework to support regional-level decision-making in the wine industry: A systematic literature review

Wine Economics and Policy, 10(2), 29–40

026 – The Determinants of European Banks’ Capital Structure: Is there a difference between public and private banks?

Oliveira, V. and Raposo, C. (2021)
International Journal of Central Banking, Vol. 17 (3), pp 155-202

In this paper we examine wether the determinants of European banks’ capital structure depend on the type of the institution (private or public). Using an international sample of 586 banks from 21 European countries for the period of 2000 to 2016, we find that when compared with private banks, the determinants of public banks’ capital struture are more closely aligned with those that affect nonfinancial firms. Furthermore. This paper provides evidence that these differences can result in certain consequences wth regards to the access to the market, which implies that public banks are more subject to market discipline. This is a very topical question, particularly when studied in the context to the introduction of more demanding capital requirements through Basel III and, in particular, in the context of the new resolution regime with imposes additional capital requirements, where banks’ access toequity and debt markets plays a pivotal role.

025 – Destination Emotions, Loneliness, and Reasons to Travel: Predictors and Moderators of Tourism Well-being

José Magano & Ângela Leite
African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, Vol. 11

This study aims to determine predictors and moderators of tourism well-being among destination emotions (DES) (total, joy, love, and positive surprise), loneliness (UCLA) (total, affinities, and isolation) and reasons to travel. Regression and moderation analyses were carried out; factor analysis (exploratory and confirmatory) to validate the emotions destination scale were performed. Marital status, family as a reason to travel, love (DES), positive surprise (DES), and affinities (UCLA) explain tourism well-being variance. Of the motivations for traveling, only family and work proved to moderate the relationship between DES and its subscales and tourism well-being. Traveling in Portugal or abroad was a moderator in the relationship between DES and its subscales and tourism well-being. The relationship between destination emotions and tourism well-being is stronger when people do not travel for family or work; this relationship is also stronger when people travel within Portugal than when traveling outside Portugal.

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