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Nature, Objectives, Headquarters and Duration

Article 1

(Nature and Designation)
  1. Under the Statutes of the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa (UAL), contained in Notice No. 14910/2016 published in the Diário da República, 2nd series No. 228 of November 28, 2016 and these Statutes, it is constituted as organic unit of the University Teaching Cooperative (CEU), founding entity of the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, the organic research unit designated Research Center in Economic and Business Sciences, having the acronym “CICEE” and also being designated in the present statutes such as “Center”

  2. The Center carries out its activity in the field of scientific and technical research, pure or applied, in an integrative and multidisciplinary manner.

Article 2

  1. CICEE is a UAL’s research center in the scientific areas of business and economics, with the primary mission of contributing to the improvement of knowledge in business and economics, promoting a culture of excellence in conducting research, and disseminating research.

Article 3

  1. CICEE has the following main objectives:
  1. The production and dissemination of research projects, focusing on the multidisciplinarity of the different areas of Economic and Business Sciences and interaction with other areas of scientific knowledge;
  2. The promotion and support for the development of individual and collective scientific research activities and projects, including those arising from master’s dissertations, doctoral theses and post-doctoral work, within the scope of economic and business sciences, and the articulation and promoting synergies between lines of research already existing at UAL.
  3. Support for advanced training of human resources, namely in the context of the evolution of the teaching career and supervision of post-graduate work;
  4. Support for the presentation of research projects candidacy for grants and funding programs, public or private, national or international, of research projects and other related and related activities;
  5. The promotion, organization and realization of congresses, colloquiums, seminars, conferences and other activities to disseminate and publish the results of scientific research carried out;
  6. The promotion of integration in research networks and scientific partnerships, namely, protocols and cooperation agreements, with similar institutions, national and foreign, aiming at the participation and integration of the members of the Center in lines, groups, projects and programs research and advanced training;
  7. The promotion of the publication of scientific articles, in national and foreign academic journals, including in the journals of institutions with which the Center develops protocols, in a series of working papers or on the Centre’s website.
  8. The promotion of the publication of the results of the studies carried out, namely monographs, books or other works of a scientific, technical or pedagogical nature, through periodical and non-periodical publications and the constitution of virtual libraries with free access on the internet for the dissemination of knowledge, or in UAL collections or editions.
  9. The performance of other tasks that, within its objectives, are entrusted to it by Organs superior bodies of the CEU / UAL, namely the provision of services, including the issuing of opinions requested by public or private entities.

Article 4

  1. The Center has its headquarters at Rua de Santa Marta, number 56, in Lisbon, parish of Coração de Jesus, municipality of Lisbon.

Article 5

  1. The Center lasts indefinitely.



Article 6

(Human Resources)
  1. The Center will have the necessary human resources to ensure its regular operation to be assigned to it by CEU, according to its availability.

Article 7

(Material resources)
  1. The Center will have facilities, infrastructure, equipment and budget allocation to ensure its regular functioning to be allocated by the CEU
  2. The Centre’s own revenues are:
    • Those resulting from the involvement of its members in teaching, research and development activities promoted by the Center;
    • Those arising from the provision of services and the sale of publications;
    • Subsidies, grants, payments, donations, inheritances, and bequests;
    • Any other that it can legally obtain.



Article 8

  1. There are the following categories of researcher:
    • Associate researcher;
    • Research fellow
    • Assistant researcher;
  2. Permanent researchers of the Center are researchers with doctoral degrees in the scientific areas of the Center, or holders of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum. recognized by the Management with a favorable opinion from the Scientific Council, as attesting the capacity to carry out research activities in the scientific areas of the Center, which mainly carry out their research activities there.
  3. Invited researchers are researchers with a doctorate (or equivalent), specialists and persons of recognized academic, scientific and technical merit who temporarily carry out research activities at the Center in specific research projects, under the terms of paragraph b) of article 10 of the present Statutes.
  4. Assistant researchers are non-doctoral researchers, namely university assistants, research assistants and scholarship holders, who are admitted to carry out research activities at the Center under the scientific guidance of a permanent researcher, pursuant to paragraph 1 of article 10 of these Statutes.

Article 9

(Rights and duties)
  1. Members of the Center are entitled to:
    • Participate in its activities;
    • Use your resources.
  2. The members of the Center have a duty to:
    • Contribute to the achievement of the objectives enshrined in article 3 of these Statutes;
    • Respect the statutes and accept the decisions of the management bodies of the Center;
    • Affirm the status of a member of the Center in academic and scientific events and of the publications and studies they carry out within the scope of their research activities at the Center and at UAL.

Article 10

(Admission and Exclusion of Members)
  1. The admission and exclusion of permanent researchers from the Center are approved by the Scientific Council under a reasoned proposal by the Director of the Center.
  2. The admission and exclusion of guest researchers and assistant researchers are approved by the Directorate of the Center, under a reasoned proposal by its Director.



Article 11

(Management bodies)
The Center has the following management bodies:
  1. Direction;
  2. Scientific Council;
  3. Follow-up Unit.

Section I

From the Direction

Article 12

(Composition and Skills)
  1. The Board consists of:
    • Director;
    • Members, a maximum of three.
  2. Pursuant to the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 41 of the UAL Statutes, the Director of the Center is appointed by Dispatch of the Board of Directors of the CEU for three-year terms;
  3. The establishment of the Directorate is the responsibility of the Director, and must be ratified by CEU;
  4. The management is responsible for the management and administration of the Center, namely:
    • Represent the Center;
    • Promote the achievement of its objectives;
    • Coordinate the activities of the Center by executing the approved plans;
    • Propose the Center’s policy of scientific research and advanced training of human resources;
    • Promote the definition of lines of investigation and the instruction of eventual applications for financing programs.
    • Submit, after consultation with the Scientific Council and the Monitoring Committee, the budget and the annual activity plan of the Center for CEU approval;
    • Submit, after hearing the Scientific Council, to CEU approval the signing of agreements, protocols, agreements and contracts for the provision of services with other institutions;
    • Obtain and manage the funds necessary for the operation of the Center;
    • Prepare the Annual Report and Accounts annually and submit them to the Scientific Council and the Monitoring Committee for the purpose of issuing an opinion;
    • Submit to CEU approval any proposals for statutory changes.

Section II

About the Scientific Council

Article 13

(Structure and competences)
  1. The Scientific Council is constituted, by joint invitation of the Rector and the Board of Directors of CEU, by researchers from the Center and individuals outside the Center. The Scientific Coordinator of the Center will be chosen by the majority vote of the members of the Scientific Council.
  2. The Scientific Council is responsible for:
    • Approve its internal regulations;
    • Issue an opinion on the Centre’s proposal for a scientific research policy and advanced training for human resources at the Center;
    • Issue an opinion on the Directorate’s proposal for lines of research and applications for financing programs of the Center;
    • Issue an opinion on the proposals for the budget, plan and annual activity report, to be submitted to CEU’s approval;
    • To give an opinion on the proposals for agreements, agreements and contracts for the provision of services with other institutions, to be submitted to CEU’s approval;
    • To pronounce on the admission and exclusion of researchers.
  3. The Scientific Council is convened by its Coordinator, on his own initiative, or at the request of at least a quarter of its members.

Section III

From the Monitoring Unit

Article 14

(Structure and competences)
  1. The Monitoring Unit is formed, at the joint invitation of the Rector and the Board of Directors of the CEU, by a minimum of five specialists or individuals from outside the Center, with recognized competence in the respective area, and should, whenever possible, include foreign researchers. The Director of the Department of Economic and Business Sciences of the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa is inherently part of the Monitoring Unit.

    The Monitoring Unit is responsible for:

    1. Annually review the functioning of the Center;
    2. To issue the opinions it deems appropriate, namely, on the policy of scientific research and advanced training of human resources, the plan and report of annual activities and the budget of the Center.
    3. Present suggestions and recommendations regarding the best fulfillment of the aims of the Center.

Section IV

Common Provisions

Article 15

(Meetings, Deliberations and Terms of office)
  1. The deliberations of the Scientific Council are taken by majority vote of the members present, being valid provided that the majority of the members in office are present.
  2. The decisions of the management bodies of the Center are valid as long as they are signed by the majority of the effective members.
  3. The term of office of the Centre’s management bodies is three years and ends only with the entry into office of the new members.


(Criteria for assessing the scientific activity of CICEE’s Permanent Researchers)
  1. For the purposes of this regulation, from its entry into force in 2022 and until the next evaluation of the CICEE by the FCT, to be carried out at the end of 2023 or at the beginning of 2024, the following activities are considered as research results:
    • Publication of a scientific article in a journal indexed in Scopus, ISI or ABS.
    • Publication of a scientific article in a non-indexed journal, with peer review.
    • Publication of a scientific article in the CICEE working papers series.
    • Scientific article presented, with monetary support for the participation of CICEE, international conference accepted with scientific refereeing and published in the ATAS.
    • Author / co-author of a book published by an international publisher.
    • Author/co-authorship of a book published by a national publisher.
    • Editorial coordination of a book published by an international publisher.
    • Editorial coordination of a book published by a national publisher.
    • Book chapter published by an international publisher.
    • Book chapter published by a national publisher.
    • Conducting a research seminar in the CICEE Cycle.
    • Carrying out of a research seminar by invitation of a Center classified as Very Good by the FCT.
    • Guidance for Master’s final work in a recognized higher education establishment in Portugal, other than UAL.
    • Orientation of the final Master’s work carried out within the scope of CICEE.
    • Post-doctoral supervision carried out within the scope of CICEE.
    • External judge in public exams for Master’s final work carried out in a recognized higher education establishment in Portugal.
    • Candidate of public exams of Master’s final work carried out within the scope of CICEE.
    • External judge in public Doctoral exams held at a recognized higher education institution in Portugal.
    • Internal argument in public Doctoral exams carried out within the scope of CICEE.
    • Jury Member for Associate Professor.
    • Member of the Aggregation Evidence Jury.
    • Review of a scientific article in a journal indexed by Scopus, ISI or ABS.
    • Review of a scientific article in a conference with acceptance with peer review.
    • Member of the Scientific Committee of an international conference with acceptance with scientific arbitration.
    • Guest editor of a special issue of a scientific journal indexed by Scopus, ISI or ABS.
    • Member of the Scientific Council of CICEE.
    • Coordination activity of the CICEE Working Papers Series.
    • Coordination activity of the CICEE Research Seminars Cycle.
    • Principal Investigator in FCT funded projects.
    • Co-Principal Investigator in FCT funded projects.
    • Researcher in FCT-funded projects.
  2. Maintaining the CICEE IP status will require, in 2022, the carrying out of research activities with a score equal to or greater than 2,5 points, and in 2023 equal to or greater than 3 points.
  3. Only in the transitional period of 2022 and 2023 the score of co-authored publications will not be divided by the number of authors.

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