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Postdoctoral by Eduardo Cardadeiro

Professor Eduardo Cardadeiro is developing a post-doctoral research project, in the period Mar/2021-Dec/2022, under the guidance of Professor Catarina Roseira Palma of ISCTE and Professor João Eduardo Gata of the Competition Authority, within the scope of the CICEE research line “Themes of Economic Regulation”.The aforementioned research project includes: (i) The development of an auction-type model scoring auction for allocation of airport slots at coordinated airports (with widespread excess demand) in the European Union, using the Macbeth model of multicriteria analysis to determine the ‘value function’; and (ii) AT policy evaluation de encouraging the selective collection of urban solid waste in Portugalin context of the objectives defined in the community directives to which the country is bound, namely those arising from the so-called ‘2030 horizon’, through the primary collection of data from the 23 systems existing in Portugal, in the sample period 2010-2020.

Postdoctoral by Jacek Jaworski

Since March 1, until May 31, 2020, Jacek Jaworski, PhD. Hab., Associate Professor at WSB University in Gdańsk, Poland, and Research Fellow at CICEE, is conducting a Post-Doctoral research project under the supervision of Prof. Mário Coutinho dos Santos. This internship is part of the project “D.S.A. PLUS – Didactics, Science, Administration – an Integrated Programme of Development of WSB University” POWR.03.05.00-00-Z211/18 co-financed by the European Union as part of Task 3.5 of the Knowledge Education Development Operational Programme 2014-2020.

This research project resulted in the publication: Jaworski, J. & M. Coutinho dos Santos. 2021. Which Determinants Matter for Capital Structure? Evidence from Polish and Portuguese Nonfinancial Firms. European Review of Business Economics I(1): 27-60; IT HURTS:

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